Liberty Tales on Tour Newcastle Videos

Some video from last month’s Liberty Tales reading at Newcastle Blackwells where we gathered some of our more northerly authors together.

Alison Lock
Brian Johnstone (also reading Elinor Brooks and Andrew McCallum)
Richard Smyth

Your next chance to catch Liberty Tales on tour is Tuesday 7pm 10/01/2017 Bath The Gallery, St James Wine Vaults (Combined reading with Shortest Day Longest Night)
Poems from Bernie Howley,  Elinor Brooks, Jeremy Dixon, Jill Sharp: passports, religious freedom, coming out, reading in the dark…
stories from Nick Rawlinson,  Pippa Gladhill, Katy Darby,  Cherry Potts, David Mathews: Fish weirs, old gods, and… we’ll see which stories everyone else decides to read…