Palimpsest – Diana Powell explores the Preselis

When you are thinking about how to promote a book that is rooted in the places that inspired the writers, you say to them, ‘Could you go to the exact spot and maybe read a bit of the piece we are publishing?’

Diana Powell did just that, with the expert camera work of husband Dai, on a freezing cold, windy but brilliantly sunny day last month.

Here’s the result

This is the first section of ‘Palimpsest’ a story that layers up through the ages as generation after generation walk the route over the spine of the Preselis, a range of small mountains in Pembrokeshire, Dyfed. It’s quite a sinister tale at times, and reminds me of Alan Garner’s Red Shift.

We will be creating an interactive map soon, with the places that inspired the book highlighted, and with links to pictures and a bit of information about the place and how the story or poem emerged from it.