Arachne Press to Headline at Southwark Arts Fair

A bit of a stop press.

Southwark Arts Forum are holding a fair at Hays Galleria  by the river and just off Tooley Street near London Bridge Station, on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th July.

Last year’s SAF market

There will be lots of stalls with local artists and crafts people selling their wares,  workshops (including for children) and a stage with an hourly turn round of acts, (Music, dancers, singers…) and on the Saturday, at 6pm Arachne Press authors/actors will perform 3 stories. Don’t know who or which stories yet as we’ve only just met with SAF, but watch this space!

And in other news, just under 48 hours left to contribute to our Weird Lies funding drive over on Kickstarter. If we don’t get all the money we don’t get any of it!  There are still some awesome rewards available, including, for the writers out there, detailed assessment of your work by Katy Darby (Novels) or Cherry Potts (Short Stories); there’s original art from Richard Smyth, and strictly for Londoners, there is cake (!) from the kitchen of Katy Darby. Anyone who has been to one of our caked up readings will know this is a prize beyond rubies.