Dusk Performer: Susie Hennessy

Susie Hennesy is an actor and writer, who was awarded a doctorate from Loughborough University’s School of the Arts, English and Drama in 2015. Susie has performed in a variety of genres and guises, and roles, to date, have included Sarah, in Harold Pinter’s The Lover; Grusha in The Caucasian Chalk Circle; Masha in Three Sisters; Ma Ubu in Ubu Roi; Lydia in The Rivals; Miss Bell in Fame; and Suzannah in Hair. Susie has recently had her first audio play, To Be There, produced, and is collaborating on a screenplay, Finding Angels, which will be filmed in the New Year.   

Dusk Performer: Jay Bradley

Jay Bradley is an actor and writer, who is a member of both Nottingham Writers’ Studio, and The Actors’ Workshop. Jay’s acting credits include Cinesias in Lysistrata; Gary in Catharsis; Dr Denman in The Last Stockade; John Allen in Redemption; Tony in Letting Go; and, most recently, Anthony Bon Coup in a regional tour of Murder at the Masquerade Ball. Jay is currently in the process of filming two original screenplays, Little Mouse and Finding Angels, which he wrote this year.     

Dusk Poet: Stevie Krayer

Stevie Krayer lives in Wales with her husband, writer David N Thomas, a judicious 40 minutes from the grandchildren.

Publications include three collections and an anthology, A Speaking Silence: Quaker Poets of Today (co-edited with R V Bailey). Her latest collection is New Monkey (Indigo Dreams, 2014).

Stevie’s poem for Dusk, Sleeping Out, will be read at Nottingham and Ynys Mon. As it is already published it will not appear in the anthology.

Dusk Author: Penny Pepper

A versatile writer and poet, Penny Pepper’s current work, a memoir, First in the World Somewhere, charts an extraordinary life in the 80s music scene as a disabled punk. She writes for the Guardian and guests on TV & radio. www.pennypepper.co.uk

Penny’s story for Dusk, Wolf’s Head, will be read at Nottingham

Dusk Author: Lucy Grace

Lucy Grace began writing fiction in August 2017, after resigning from her full-time job as a headteacher. Already shortlisted and the winner of a national and international writing
competitions for her short stories, Lucy is currently working on her debut novel. She
gathers material and ideas everywhere, and writes in any time she can find around her
part time job as a teacher and full-time job as a mum of two young children.

Lucy’s story for Dusk, Breadcrumbs, will be read at Inverness, Nottingham and Rossendale.

Dusk Poet: Sue Birchenough

Sue Birchenough has been published in English PEN anthology ‘Catechism’, Like This Press anthology ‘Austen, Brontë, and Shakespeare’, Kfs anthology ‘Yesterday’s music today’, PBS Press anthology ‘No spy zone’; in Red Ceilings, Streetcake, m58, lnk sweat and tears, shufpoetry, BS Johnson Journal, zimZalla.

Her avant object ‘takeaway britain’ was exhibited in the Saison Poetry Library in London over summer 2016.

She has a poem included in Blackpool Illuminations 2017.

Her chapbook ‘housework’ is available from Kfs Press.

Sue’s Poem for Dusk, Roost,will be performed at Nottingham on the 21st December.

Dusk author: Kirsty Fox


Kirsty Fox is a novelist and short fiction writer currently studying for a Masters in Creative Writing at the University of Nottingham. She previously self-published her first novel, ‘Dogtooth Chronicals’ (sic), under her own micro-publishing imprint, Bees Make Honey, alongside collaborating as creative producer on a crowdfunded multimedia novel, ‘The Dust on the Moth’ (written by Darren Simpson). Bees Make Honey are currently preparing to publish a regional arts, culture and literature magazine, ‘Calligram’. Kirsty has had short fiction and other writing published in LeftLion magazine, Now Then magazine and ‘Stories in Sandstone: A Nottingham Anthology’. She is based in Nottingham.

Kirsty’s story,  for Dusk, They Said There Were Pirates, will be performed at Greenwich, Nottingham and Rossendale at Dusk on the 21st December 2017 and published in the Dusk anthology on 21st June 2018