Dusk: Video – Rossendale – Breadcrumbs

Neil Bell reads Breadcrumbs by Lucy Grace at The Whittaker Museum & Art Gallery, Rossendale

The unpublished poems and stories from these events are in the forthcoming anthology Dusk.

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The Whitaker

Dusk Author: Lucy Grace

Lucy Grace began writing fiction in August 2017, after resigning from her full-time job as a headteacher. Already shortlisted and the winner of a national and international writing
competitions for her short stories, Lucy is currently working on her debut novel. She
gathers material and ideas everywhere, and writes in any time she can find around her
part time job as a teacher and full-time job as a mum of two young children.

Lucy’s story for Dusk, Breadcrumbs, will be read at Inverness, Nottingham and Rossendale.