Solstice Shorts Video: Proserpine

Proserpine a poem by Steph Thompson, read by Patsy Prince and BSL interpreted by Martin Fox-Roberts at Solstice Shorts Festival 2016: Shortest Day 21st December 2016 at Made in Greenwich Gallery London #ACEFunded

Sat 14/01/2017 3pm Essex Wivenhoe Library
Stories: Rosalind Stopps, Cherry Potts, David Steward, Katy Darby, Poem: Lisa Kelly

Wednesday 7pm 18/01/2017 Brockley Deli The Story Sessions: Winter Tales
Rosalind Stopps reads Deliver Me, alongside other authors with wintery stories… including YOU? Join in with 100 words on theme in Flash from the Floor

Buy the book: Shortest Day, Longest Night

Help us crowdfund for the rest of the tour and the next books