Arachne at LBF day three

It was noticeably (and literally) quieter yesterday. I actually heard my phone when it went off. The first two days the cacophony was awesome. brief meeting with Keiron from Book Depository, and a saunter round to inspect the stands I hadn’t already looked at, very much with a view to how well are the marketing themselves, rather than what was on offer. So I have an aspiration now, I stopped by the Hachette ‘stand’ and while I was there had a chat with friend Susan Howe who works for Orion and was on the stand opposite.  The thing is, Hachette bring their own BUILDING.

hachette at LBFIt’s a bit like the inside of the Tardis or something from Torchwood, and I want one!

Considering what it cost for my 5th share of a shelf, I don’t think we’ll be doing this kind of style next year but – maybe a little further into the future…

LBF 2013 day two

Much cheered by yesterday’s meetings at LBF 2013. So: it’s just possible forthcoming titles Mosaic of Air and Weird Lies will be distributed in Romania, and Lovers’ Lies and Mosaic of Air in Portugal via a mail-order catalogue. Maybe. Perhaps. There is also a US deal flirting with the horizon, not sure what, when of even if, but maybe! Useful talk with Matthew from Waterstones, and Jacqueline Downs dropped by to say hello, so that was good too.

Also found places to sit down and recover which was good, including a seminar featuring Salt Publishing and a number of their authors on building a brand on a shoestring. Shoestrings being what I have available this was very interesting. Pleased to find I’m doing most things right, just not enough. Where’s that cloning programme when you need it?

Arachne Press at the London Bookfair

It’s not the first time I’ve been to the London Book Fair, but it is the first time I’ve exhibited. Doesn’t that sound grand? Actually I have two books worth of shelf space on a shared stand with loads of other IPG members, still it’s a start. (J200 if you at the fair, come along and say hello we’re the lot standing in the passageway with a wall of books behind us). If people who made appointments with me turned up, it would be a better start (they know who they are) but I am learning to hide my disappointment (huge exhausted sob).

I did manage one meeting today, with a lovely woman (hi, Ivanka) looking to sell rights to French graphic novels. I am quite – excited? tempted? – by one.

It will be interesting to see whether the fair keeps its momentum going through the three days (I don’t think my momentum is going to last the course, I’m shattered! At least I’ve only got one meeting planned for Wednesday)The events are thoroughly oversubscribed at the moment, with standing room 5 deep at the back of the talks in the Author Lounge, and the English Pen Literary Cafe, 5 deep all down the sides as well, William Boyd was revealing the lowdown of his new James Bond novel, Solo.

Tomorrow I am meeting a Romanian distributor of (mainly) Sci Fi and a Portuguese book mail-catalogue courtesy of UKTI, and some booksellers in the UK.