Robert Shearman talks about short stories, judging and Time

Robert Shearman, one of our judges for Solstice Shorts Festival Short Story Competition talks to Cherry Potts on the phone (not from outer space, despite the dreadful echo at the beginning!) about what he looks for in a short story, the joys of judging and the excitement of the competition theme of Time.

If you are thinking of entering a story, you have only 3 days left, the competition closes at 23:59 on 31st October 2014. Please read the rules carefully, we’ve had to disqualify a few entries for including their name, or being too long or too short!!

Solstice Shorts Competition Judge Alison Moore talks about judging, short stories and genre

In the fourth of our short series of interviews Alison Moore makes time for a phone call with Cherry Potts about the judges role in the Solstice Shorts Competition, writing, and genres.


Solstice Shorts judge Imogen Robertson talks Festivals and Time with Cherry Potts

The third in our short series of interviews with Solstice Shorts Judges. Imogen Robertson talks to Cherry Potts about the concept behind the festival, and the theme of Time in the context of writing for the competition, which closes in 2 weeks! You have until  one minute to midnight (think Cinderella) on 31st October … Hallowe’en.

Anyone for a Cinders /Hallowe’en fusion story?


Imogen Robertson Solstice Shorts Judge talks about Short Stories, genres and the art of the monologue

In the second of our short series of interviews: more from the talented Ms Robertson, one of our judges for Solstice Shorts Festival Short Story Competition, giving us her thoughts on what makes a great short story, genres she loves and the power of the monologue.

Solstice Shorts Judge Imogen Robertson talks about …Judging

The first in a short series of interviews with the judges of the competition – to give those sending in entries an insight into how it all works and what the judges are hoping to see, and, in this case, how winning a competition helped Historical Crime novelist Imogen Robertson start writing full-time.

So if you’ve not sent in an entry yet, get a move on, you have until the end of the month, and this could be you in five years time…