Good Wolf People read The Old Woman from Friuli

This is what happens when you drop in on an interesting building for open house: you get talking to one of the trustees, who happen to mention that one of their resident organisations are doing a book event for children, so you send an email, and have a meeting and suddenly someone is reading the book in a library!

I like the serendipity of how this happened. A semi staged version has also been produced for which the video is on its way, but here in the meantime is John Handscombe taking on clever advisors, selfish dukes and wily old women.


Submit to Arachne Press

Ok, we’ve had enough with the enquiries. We weren’t going to open submissions until the end of the month, but due to popular demand they are now open, but only until the end of MAY. So that’s your window – or possibly letterbox?

Read the GUIDELINES and get in touch, we are really interested, and excited, wondering what you have in store for us.