Storey Arms Pass

Storey Arms Pass is the site of several of the poems from A470, Poet Jeremy Dixon says

My poem ‘like my jealousy’ was inspired by memories of school and the thrill of one of your friends in 6th form having just passed their driving test. So they borrow their parent’s car and you take off into the night leaving home behind, looking for adventure and danger and love with Kate Bush on repeat, blaring from the speakers. The location of the poem is the layby just past the Storey Arms as the A470 heads towards Brecon. From this vantage point the whole valley lies ahead of you, and at night you can watch the headlights of the cars as they wind their way through the darkness towards you.

Ysbrydolwyd ‘Like my Jealousy’ gan atgofion o ddyddiau ysgol a’r wefr bod un o’ch ffrindiau yn y 6ed dosbarth newydd basio ei brawf gyrru. Maen nhw’n benthyg car eu rhieni a ffwrdd â chi i ganol y nos gan adael cartref ymhell y tu ôl i chi. Chwilio am antur a pheryg a chariad gyda Kate Bush yn llenwi’r car drosodd a throsodd. Lleoliad y gerdd yw’r gilfan ychydig heibio’r Storey Arms wrth fynd i gyfeiriad Aberhonddu ar yr A470. O’r fan hyn mae’r dyffryn cyfan o’ch blaen ac yn y nos gallwch wylio goleuadau’r ceir wrth iddynt droelli trwy’r tywyllwch tuag atoch.